Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Wish you were me?

I am lucky enough that my day job is about 5-miles from home. Which means I am lucky enough to be able to go home on my lunch hour. That was one of the reasons that I accepted this position. Being close to home was quite a perk.
I used to be able to go home, let the dogs out, feed them, run to the mall and get back to work within my allotted lunch time. But since December 23rd, when Rocco joined our family, my days of living the good life are gone.
Rocco, even at 11-months old, is still a pup. Which means -yours truly- goes home like clockwork everyday to let him out. And its usually the same mad cap hour. Let Rocco outside, let him in, let Molly outside, run them to stretch their legs, feed them, let them back outside and then back inside one more time, and drive like a maniac back to work. Because Rocco seems to be unaware my time limitations, he wanders around at a slow pace, stopping every few inches to look, sniff, nibble the flowers, jump at butterflies, growl at airplanes or pee on anything that meets his fancy. He makes me late most days.
But today I am concerned. After Rocco's "runs" yesterday morning, and his subsequent diet of rice, cottage cheese and gravy (bland food to calm his stomach) he has not had one bowel movement. And this is a dog that goes like clockwork. His "morning evacuation" is at 6am, followed by his afternoon, evening and sometimes late evening evacuation. Which means that we are four bowel movements behind.
Oh, and I am meeting an appraiser at our house at lunchtime today. At our house containing a dog missing four previous bowl movements.
He is baby gated into the spare bedroom, and we removed the area rug in the event there is an "evacuation situation" in the interim.
Dear God, please prevent him from having an accident in the house until after the appraiser leaves.
Can you imagine?

UPDATED.....I met the appraisor at the house at 9:30am. All went well, Rocco and Molly behaved themselves, and outside after she left, Rocco went potty.
All is good in the world today.

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