Friday, June 20, 2008

Clean Sheets

Rocco loves clean sheets. It really is the silliest thing.
I'll carry the sheets, fresh from the dryer and plop them on the bed. As I start to put clean pillowcases on the pillows. Rocco will lay on the sheets. I don't know it of the warmth of the sheets straight from the dryer, or the Downey smell, or maybe he is just goofy (ya think?), but our boy LOVES clean sheets.


Now if we could just teach him to actually MAKE the bed with me....

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Rocco's Perch

This is how he sits on the couch. He sets his behind on the cushion and his front paws on the floor.
Isn't this hilarious?

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Dog days of summer

I was out shopping early this morning. My husband was supposed to be outside doing yard work, but it was 90 degrees today. So he decided to take a nap with his favorite bad dog.
This is what I discovered when I got home.




I am surprised how comfortable my husband sleeps with a 100+ lb dog draped across his chest.
Unless, he was pretending to sleep to get out of doing the yard work.
