Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Ladies Love Rocco

The ladies LOVE Rocco. Old, young, in between....it doesn't matter.
Rocco is a doggie Casanova.
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When we walk Rocco and a guy walks by, we'll get a wide eyed "Whoa" or sometimes they choose to cross the street. Once in a while a guy will ask "Is that a dog or a horse?".
But when we walk Rocco and a girl walks by, we hear "Oh, he's BEAUTIFUL! Can I pet him?" Younger girls want to hug him, and older woman admire him.
Rocco is a chick magnet.
And he loves the attention.


Rebecca said...

Um, who are these girls that are hanging all over my boyfriend?? If this "long-distance relationship is going to work, I'm just going to have to trust that he is just humoring them with some "polite" kissing and that his heart isn't in it!! Ha-ha!!!

Unknown said...

He definitely loves the ladies - and the feeling is obviously mutual!! If I were to see him on the street, you can bet I'd cross to say hello!

And I love the puppy pic below!