Monday, August 18, 2008

The Doggie Beach


Yesterday, we took Rocco and Molly to the doggie beach. It's a tiny part of the beach on Lake Michigan dedicated to dogs. They were so excited! They behaved beautifully. Even though there were several other dogs there, they were so intent on catching their Frisbee they didn't even notice the other dogs.
Here are some pictures of our day.









And I saved the best for last....look at my crazed Rocco, going for the Frisbee. He looks like Batman!

The BEST part of this adventure (for us) was that they slept from after dinner until this morning. Not a peep out of them. They are still sluggish today.
Poor babies.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


We have to hide the frisbee. If we keep it in the house, in a closet, Rocco & Molly will stalk that closet. They will sit in front of it, sleep in front of it, walk slowly by it, always hoping we will open the door so they can be reunited with their beloved frisbee.
So we hide it.
Um, see if you can find it.......


We have to hide it in the grape vines in the arbor over our patio.


This is easier in the summer amid the folliage, than in the winter amid the bare branches.
But our pups play frisbee in the summer heat or the winter snow.
They just love their frisbee.

Actually this is a great preface for a post on what we have to hide from Rocco.
Stay tuned for that post!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Sunday Frisbee Day

Rocco had a great afternoon playing frisbee. Our boy loves his frisbee.





Thursday, August 7, 2008

Impatience with Impatients

Rocco eats flowers.
Um, among MANY other things.
This morning I noticed that he had started to eat part of my impatients, then he tried to drink the dirty water in the planter from the recent rain.
Because, seriously, the two gigantic bowls of water in the house (one for Molly and one for Rocco) is just not enough water for a growing boy.



Vanity thy name is Rocco

My sister was over last weekend. When I tried to take a picture of her with Rocco, he jumped onto the bathroom sink and looked at himself in the mirror, then it seems as if he smiled for the camera.
You be the judge.



Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The thunder rolls...

Last night we had terrible storms with tornado warnings. The wind was gusting and the thunder was rolling.
And we made another discovery.
Rocco is TERRIFIED of thunder.
I got home last night and usually it's a mad puppy-love homecoming greeting that I receive.
Yesterday, I walked in to half of a greeting from Molly.
Rocco was on our bed, and would not get down. He was like a statue, afraid to move, but his eyes were darting around wildly at the sound of the thunder. He was so scared.
So we did what any puppy parents would do in that situation.
We laughed at him.
He was so pathetic.
And funny.
Poor Rocco.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Trust Issues

Whenever we leave the house for an extended period of time (in this case, extended means longer than 5-minutes) we baby-gate Rocco into the kitchen. We have serious trust issues with our boy.
But recently, we started to discuss that we need have a little faith in Rocco, especially since he will be 2-years old next month.
Which in human years would make him a 14-year old boy.
Um, that should have given us a clue.
Yesterday, We were going to leave the house for a few hours, and decided that it was finally the day to trust Rocco. So we Rocco-proofed the house.
Key: Rocco proof means my husband and I walk around the house, making sure anything harmful or destructive or expensive or sentimental is removed from his line of vision.
And then we left.
For 45-seconds.
My husband discovered that he left his bottle of water on the table, so we drove around the block and while I waited in the car, my husband walked back into the house to get his water. Apparently, Rocco had already raided the bathroom garbage and was in the process of eating the toilet paper off the roll.
He lasted less than one minute before getting into trouble.
But then again, what parent would trust a 14-year old boy?