Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Rocco and our family would like to take a minute and thank you for your continued support of this blog.
Wishing you and your families a joyous holiday.
Now I have to try to keep him away from the Christmas cookies.....

Monday, December 17, 2007

Snow Dogs

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Our little Rocco is growing up! The dog who was skittish about the snow a mere few weeks ago, is having a love affair with the white stuff these days.
When we open the back door to let him out he races out the door, running at full speed through our snowy yard. Rocco LOVES the snow.
Molly loves it too, but in a calmer way. She walks out the door and stretches out in the icy stuff, like she was lounging on a feather bed.
Truthfully, I would rather be in 80 degree weather these days. But seeing these two crazy dogs in the snow always makes us laugh.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Um, a mailman he's not

Neither rain, snow, sleet or hail will prevent a mail carrier from delivering the mail, or so the saying goes.
But that motto won't work for Rocco.
Because yesterday in one afternoon, we actually DID have rain, snow, sleet and hail.
And Rocco was scared to death.
Poor Rocco was only 3-months old last December. He apparently does not remember snow. For when he walked outside yesterday, he barked at it, cried, and tried to hide under the tree so the snow would not land on him. Granted, eventually he got used to it.
Then there was Molly.
Poor Molly does not like to get wet. She refuses to go outside even if its not raining but the sidewalk is wet.
Molly does not like wet.
So after getting a slightly snow covered and panicked Rocco into the house, I opened the door to let Molly out. She took one look at the snow, and looked at me as if to say 'Oh, hell no!" and she ran back into the house. We could not get her back outside for hours.
Because, again, Molly does not like to be wet.
Did I mention that we apparently have high maintenance dogs?