Friday, February 12, 2010

Three Eyes

Although I am getting older, I am blessed with my mom's anti-aging gene. The gene where you look younger.
So even tho I am closer to my 50th birthday then, say, my 45th birthday, I am told that I don't look my age.

I am happy with that.

And during the past few years when my friends started to need reading glasses, I still had good vision.
I tormented my friends mercilessly.

I was happy with that.

So last year, when I finally needed those dreaded reading glasses, I chose to embrace the concept with a pair of designer reading glasses. If I needed reading glasses, I would not accept a pair of $1.99 drugstore glasses.
I bought a pair of $30 zebra striped reading glasses.
If I needed reading glasses, then dammit, I was going to make a statement!

And I was happy with that.

Love them ot hate them, everyone noticed my reading glasses.
So apparently, did Rocco.

I left them on the nightstand.

The next morning, when I heard a "crunch" sound, I assumed it was Rocco eating his rawhide bone.

I turned around to discover that it was not a bone, but my $30 reading glasses.
That now looked like this.



There is one lens missing and one arm missing.
I went from four~eyes to three~eyes in one crunch.

And I am not happy with that.

Especially since in desperation last night I actually put on those glasses, closed one eye (the one with out a reading lens) and tried to read the mail.

I guess I am much older than I thought that I was, since I looked like a crazy lady wearing those glasses.
I am thankful that my husband does not know how to work my camera or my picture would be on this blog today as well.

And I am HAPPY about that.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow Day

We had A LOT of snow last night.
And at 6:30 this morning, while we were doing this...


Rocco was doing this...

Apparently the pound cake that I left on the counter was irrestible.

And I thought we MIGHT be over this phase.