Thank you to all who read this blog. Today we will reach 4,000 hits.
Rocco is a VERY BAD BOY and may not make it to, say, 4,005 hits.
In the past HOUR he:
My have killed a bird in the back yard. I didn't have my camera, and if I did I would NOT have taken a picture of his bird-feather covered face. The bird was still moving as Rocco dropped it, and I am waiting for my husband to come home to inspect if the bird survived.
About 20-minutes after that, I took a pan of brownies out of the oven, cut them and arranged them on a platter on the kitchen island to cool. I went the front door to greet the mailman (so that he would actually BRING the mail up to the house because Molly was barking at him thru the screen door like a rabid attack dog) and then I walked back into the kitchen.
And then there were three.
Three brownies left out of, say, twenty brownies that were on the platter.
As Rocco sat there, licking his lips with a guilty look on his face.
And because chocolate is toxic to dogs, I had to actually feed him for the second time this morning to dilute the chocolate brownies that now fill his stomach.
At least I know he will survive the chocolate, since he's eaten wallpaper, blankets, crazy glue, socks, tulips, grass, plants, assorted shoes, my Coach bag, aluminum foil, Frisbee's, toilet paper off the roll, the bottom of a wood dresser, Tupperware....
The list of the contributors to Rocco's culinary palate is endless.
I have to go.
I can't take my eyes of Rocco for one second today.